英语语法-非谓语动词 advise doing与advise sb to do



The husband advised _________ to the south, but his wife advised him _________ up the idea.
A. moving, giving B. to move, to give C. moving, to give D. to move, giving

【剖析】此题非常容易误选A,由于很多学员都记住了“advise 后接形容词要用动名词而无需不定式”这一配搭标准。但此“标准” 的描述不是精确的,精确的叫法应该是:advise 后接形容词作宾语时,要用动名词,无需不定式;但若之后接的形容词前有宾语,此形容词作为宾语补足语时,则此形容词要用不定式。即说 advise doing sth (建议做某事)或 advise sb to do sth (提议别人做某件事)。相近状况的也有 allow(容许),permit(容许),forbid(严禁)等形容词,即:

allow doing sth 允许做某事,allow sb to do sth 容许别人做某件事;
permit doing sth 允许做某事,permit sb to do sth 容许别人做某件事;
forbid doing sth 严禁做某件事,forbid sb to do sth 严禁别人做某件事。
We don’t allow smoking in the lab. 大家禁止在试验室抽烟。
We don’t allow people to smoke in the lab. 大家禁止大家在试验室抽烟。
People are not allowed to smoke in the lab. 大家禁止在试验室抽烟。

