在这句There is more than meets the eye.中为什么meet后要加“s


答:它是一句俗语,意指“状况身后有文章内容”。有关这儿的than,英语的语法家们的建议不是很一致。有的觉得它是连词,之后省去了what;有的则觉得它是关系代词(或准关系代词)。针对新手而言,第一种建议好像较为容易接受。句中的more 为专有名词,than在这句话中作关系代词,另外在句中兼作主语。than在从句中它能够兼作主语、宾语和表语, 它只和其前的修饰词,介词的比较级一起用。其句式为:
比较级……than (比……更……)

There were more candidates than (=than what was) expected. 侯选人比预估的多。(作主语)

You spent more money than (=than what) was intended to be spent. (作主语)

Lei Feng always did more work than (=than what) was required of him. (作主语)

There are better things in the world than (=than what) are dreamed of. (作主语)

There is more money than (=than what) is needed. 有比所必须的大量的钱。(作主语)

There is more in it than (=than what) you imagine. 在其中还有你想像不上的含意。(作宾语)

More is meant than meets the ear. 意在言外。

There may be more importance in it than (=than what) would seem. (作主语)

There is more (to it) than (=than what) meets the eye. (作主语) 状况身后有文章内容。

There were more people present than (=than what) was/ were expected. 来的人比期待来的人多。(作主语)

She spent more money than (=than what) was intended. 她花的钱比原先准备的要花得多。(作主语)

I borrowed more books than (=than what) was allowed. 我借的书比所容许借的多。(作主语)

He spends more money than (=than what) he earns. 他花的钱比挣的多。 (作宾语)

Don’t give children more money than (=than what) is needed. 不必给孩子超过她们所必须的钱。(作主语)

Children should not have more money than (=than what) they need. 小朋友们不能带比必须大量的钱。(作宾语)


Don’t eat more than (=than what) is good for you. (作主语)

The question is more complicated than (=than what) appears on the surface. (作主语)

He works longer than (=than what) is required of him. (作主语)

The price is more than (=than what) I thought. (作宾语)

He looks far older than (=than what) he is. 他看上去比具体年纪要老得多。(作表语)

It is more than (=than what) I can tell. 那我不知道。

We arrived three days earlier than (we) planned. 大家比计划早三天到。
